One thing all healthcare facilities have in common is that they need to be maintained clean at all times. An unclean facility can be terrible for employees and especially patients who may already be sick, therefore, a clean clinic can be beneficial to all.

Let’s discuss if your assistants are properly trained to clean your whole clinic, so it can be a healthy environment for all.

In most clinics the moment new staff is hired they should already know the basics of proper disinfecting a workstation however on a normal day where time is critical and everyone is rushing for the next patient, important cleaning details are left unseen and uncleaned. This can lead to a potential hazard for your employees and even worse, your patients who came to get better in the first place.

Cleaning procedures have been put in place by the Provincial Infection Control Network of BC. This documents contain the latest procedures for the Best Practices in Environmental Cleaning for Prevention and Control of Infections in All Healthcare Settings and Program. This usually taught to new employees along hiring which is great to maintain a visibly clean space but let’s be realistic will they have the time to focus only on having a clean office all the time?

What are the little details in the cleaning and disinfection procedures that are often missed.

More commonly-found germs that are present in an inefficiently sanitized office are harmful bacteria that can potentially survive for months on inanimate objects. These bacteria include: Enterococcus spp, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus pyogenes (SOURCE: US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, 2006).

Using a reliable cleaning service is safer and more cost effective than training your staff yourself.

Benefits of having a professional cleaning service provider Staff have been trained to effectively clean your clinic Custom cleaning plan based on your clinic’s specific needs More time for your staff to focus on helping the patients Your office will be ready to start fresh each day no need to worry No need of supervision
A clean office at all times within a set budget no unexpected charges Having someone who cares about you the same way you care about your patients

It can get costly and time consuming training your staff to properly clean everything, where as our staff is already trained to give you a healthy environment for you and your employees.

By using environmental friendly techniques and Bio-cleaning products to avoid any allergic reactions here are some tasks we can help you with:

In most cases your staff is most likely trained upon hiring, but, in the day to day work life of the clinic it can get very busy. Therefore, the assistants can be busy doing other things such as answering phone calls or cleaning a room for the next patient.


Although your staff have been trained there isn’t always enough time to clean everything. Here at Innovative cleaning solutions we provide the best cleaning service in Metro Vancouver maintaining a Healthy work Environment for you and your staff. We ensure no small detail is missed and our mission is to provide you with peace of mind so you can focus on providing a great service to your patients.

When you go to the optometrist the last eyesore you want to see is an unclean office. Therefore the college of optometry of British Colombia has set up a cleaning procedure. However there’s always room for mistakes, where minor details can be missed or forgotten the can later lead to bigger problems. It’s important for each office to throughly go thru their procedure to ensure that all measures are met, and that all employees are to be trained effectively upon hiring. Although during a busy work day minor details can be missed by employees and this can cause future problems if its not dealt with immediately.

The cleaning procedure for an Optometrist office consists of using non-abrasive cleaners and scent free cleaners on any surface that the public/patients will have access to. These surfaces include the following; waiting room chairs, door knobs/handles, display cabinets and items in cabinets such as glasses frames, sunglasses and the communal bathroom. Exam rooms include exam chair, head and chin rest. Instruments used during the exam which include occluders, eye shield and any glass lenses used in the examination.


Items to be discarded after each exam include

Here at innovative cleaning solution we will make sure that all your cleaning needs are done properly and effectively We take this worry away from our clients with our unique cleaning and disinfection systems and specialized technicians. What our services consists of

It is generally expected that when you and the patient, enter the room for your exam, that it is meeting all the health standards. It tends not to be a matter that crosses our minds, but maybe it should be. Especially in a doctors office where people come in sick, and have their heads touching the same equipment as you. Or when any type of equipment touches your face, you would expect it to be clean for you. This is part of the staffs responsibility to keep you safe and healthy and to ensure that your visit was as easy as possible.

Any comments? Get in touch with us [email protected]

Chiropractors, Registered Massage Therapists and physiotherapists are all places used for people who need a little de-stress and to relieve pain. So why would you want your patients or yourself to worry about if the objects in a chiropractor,RMT and physiotherapists office is clean or not. Let’s talk about some of the ways the facilities mention above keep their offices clean for everyone to enjoy and also what they may miss in their cleaning procedure.

Cleaning Maintenance procedures for a Chiropractor’s clinic consist of

The cleaning procedure for a Registered Massage Therapists consist of

The cleaning procedure for a consist of physiotherapists consist of


Business’s today seem to have an endless day from opening to closing. With the constant array of people coming in and out of the various clinics you can see task that have not been completed or completed to the final level that many would find acceptable. We take this worry away from our clients with our unique cleaning and disinfection systems and specialized technicians.

What our services consist of

Why is it important to properly clean Chiropractor,RMT and physiotherapy .Having all equipments and beds kept clean allows for preventing the spread of illnesses, along with presenting the office space as organized giving it a professional look. Patients are there for the solely purpose of maintaining their physical and mental health. Seeing staff members organize the space, and cleaning towels, beds, and equipment ensures the patients that they are paying for cleanliness and professionally. Knowing that you are laying on a clean bed and touching equipment that has been disinfected gives you the ease of mind to focus on yourself rather than the things around you.

Even though the importance of disinfection is widely known and enforced in the healthcare industry, Canadians are still at risk of getting sick from improper infection control and unsanitary surfaces. In April 2018, over 4,600 patients from a Canadian healthcare centre were sent letters advising them to get tested for HIV, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C due to improper infection control and prevention (SOURCE: Ottawa Public Health). The reduction of surface contamination through cleaning and disinfection is crucial for health and wellness centres trying to minimize the risk of causing an outbreak. Cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces are commonly considered the first defences against the threat of harmful microbes. In order to protect staff, customers, and clients, health and wellness centres need to hire knowledgeable cleaning professionals that understand the importance of sanitization and infection prevention. A properly cleaned wellness centre is not only one of the best ways to prevent infections, but it is also extremely good for business. In an industry that is based on health and wellness, protecting people’s health through cleaning is not only necessary, but imperative.

Cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces are commonly considered the first defences against the threat of harmful microbes. In order to protect staff, customers, and clients, health and wellness centres need to hire knowledgeable cleaning professionals that understand the importance of sanitization and infection prevention. A properly cleaned wellness centre is not only one of the best ways to prevent infections, but it is also extremely good for business. In an industry that is based on health and wellness, protecting people’s health through cleaning is not only necessary, but imperative.

Improperly Cleaned Healthcare & Wellness Centres

When contaminated areas are not cleaned correctly, common illnesses like influenza and C. difficile will remain on surfaces for extended periods of time, creating the potential for people to develop these illnesses (SOURCE: S.H. Dalwadi, J.H. Simmonds). Even though sanitation can kill influenza on surfaces, it is still estimated to hospitalize 12,200 Canadians annually, and an expected 3,500 of these people die (SOURCE: The cleaning of high-touch areas would most likely play a large role in diminishing the amount Canadians affected by the influenza virus, and this same ideology can be applied to other illnesses that survive on surfaces for extended durations of time.

There are many high-touch surface areas that require frequent disinfecting in most health and wellness centres, such as (SOURCE: CMM Cleaning & Maintenance Management):

High-touch surfaces like those listed above can contain many different harmful microbes. If disinfection and cleaning of these critical areas does not occur, the following harmful microbes and pathogenic bacteria can be found on the contaminated surfaces (SOURCE: Curtis J. Donskey MD, S.H. Dalwadi, J.H. Simmonds):

With proper hygiene management, C. difficile was found to be reduced on surfaces by 48 percent (SOURCE: Michael Philips, MD). Although there are guidelines and policies in place for how healthcare-related environments should be cleaned and disinfected in Canada, there are no national standards to measure how clean things are (SOURCE: Levels of cleanliness in Canada are assessed on how clean things appear to be visually, which causes many businesses to ineffectively clean and sanitize their facilities. A proper way to identify harmful microbes is needed in order to properly clean, sanitize, and disinfect health and wellness centres.


People getting sick or infected with a disease is the worst possible unwanted effect of improperly surfaces, however; there are more things that can negatively impact your business as a result of poor cleaning and sanitation. Studies show that absenteeism of employees can be directly attributed to unclean and unsanitary working conditions (SOURCE: Kimberly-Clark Professional). Furthermore, a health and wellness centre that is not noticeably clean will not help to retain or attract new customers to the business. This could also lead to negative reviews, bad word of mouth, and potential lawsuits if people develop serious or life-threatening illnesses due to a lack of disinfection. Cleanliness only creates benefits for a business and can give you peace of mind in knowing you have a safe and healthy facility.

With the abundance of risks and dangers associated with improper cleaning, the best solution is to hire professional medical cleaners that follow strict procedures to ensure thorough cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfection of your health and wellness centre. Innovative Cleaning Solutions wants to unleash the potential of your business by ensuring cleanliness and sanitation standards are always met and exceeded.

Spa therapy is known to improve mental and physical health, reduce absenteeism from work, and increase quality of sleep (SOURCE: WebMD, Florida State University, George Mason University). At the same time, spas are also known to contain environments where harmful bacteria and diseases like Legionnaire’s Disease can thrive (SOURCE: Philip Tierno Jr, PhD, NYU Medical Centre). Spas face the challenge of keeping guests and staff safe from infections while also trying to maintain high levels of customer satisfaction. Instead of independently balancing safety with quality of service, spas need an improved solution that will ensure the sanitation of their facilities and reduce risks of infection.

A spa is meant to be a relaxing getaway away from the hardships of life, but if a spa is left ineffectively cleaned and disinfected, that getaway can potentially turn into a nightmare for guests. Improperly cleaned spas are common, and since spas are not considered to be in the medical environment, the importance of cleanliness is less understood (SOURCE: 2012/2013 Cleaning for Health Report). In order to protect staff and guests from potentially harmful bacteria and diseases, spa facilities need to be fully disinfected, sanitized, and cleaned regularly by a team of knowledgeable professional cleaners.

Risks of an Inadequately Cleaned Spa

British Columbia is the only province in Canada that does not have a regulated beauty industry (SOURCE: BCIT News, 2017). Without strict government regulations, many spas are forced manage their cleanliness independently without efficient guidelines that would assist in meeting health standards. This is especially concerning due to spas normally containing environments where bacteria tend to thrive. Common diseases, viruses, and bacterial infections that can be transmitted inside of a spa are (SOURCE: Alberta Health Services):

Perhaps more troubling than these previously listed infections, are the increased risks that come with spa treatments like body exfoliation. Exfoliation has the potential to create microscopic tears in the skin, which could potentially allow blood-borne infections that are on un-sanitized surfaces to enter the body (SOURCE: Dermatologist Ellen Marmur, MD). Ultimately, any break in the skin from a spa treatment can leave the skin compromised and create conditions that increase the chance of germ transmission. This proves that proper infection control is crucial in ensuring the safety of spa guests and staff.

Certain objects and surfaces in a spa are more prone to accumulating potentially harmful bacteria. Areas that are frequently in use are usually cleaned often, whereas less thought about surfaces may not receive the proper amount of cleaning they require to maintain a safe level of disinfection. Objects such as hot stones are usually not efficiently sanitized between guests, which is concerning because hot stones are normally placed directly on the surface of a guest’s body. Other problem-areas of spas include:

Wet and warm environments are very common in the spa industry, especially in places like steam rooms or saunas. These conditions are perfect for harmful bacteria, organisms, and fungus to thrive. Furthermore, the vaporized water in a warm and wet atmosphere normally carries high amounts of organisms that can spread anywhere and even be inhaled by spa guests. Saunas and steam rooms that have porous surfaces (wooden benches, towels, etc.) most likely contain high concentrations of germs and bacteria (SOURCE: Dr. Robin Evans, MD). Many different skin-related ailments can be transmitted due to microorganisms in these environments such as: fungal and yeast skin rashes, impetigo, and other bacterial-based infections (SOURCE: Dr. Robin Evans, MD).

Potentially transmitting an infection or disease to your guests is undeniably the worst thing that can come from improper infection control, but there are further undesirable results that can occur to a spa’s business. If a customer comes to a spa looking to feel relaxed and rejuvenated, but witnesses unsanitary practice and unclean surfaces, the chances they would ever consider coming back is incredibly low. This can also lead to negative reviews, bad word of mouth, and ultimately lower customer retainment. Spas survive off guest’s satisfaction level, and an infection is simply not good for business, and someone could end up very sick. Spas should always be tidy, clean, and smelling great

Hiring professional cleaners to sanitize your spa is the most effective way to divert the risk of infecting your staff and your guests. At ICS (Innovative Cleaning Solutions), we want you and your guests to experience true relaxation, without having to worry about germs and bacteria!

How We Clean at ICS

Our goal has always been to provide the highest cleaning standard for businesses in British Columbia, while simultaneously utilizing environmentally friendly cleaning products that do not harm our planet. We understand that every spa is different, which is why we develop a custom Cleaning Maintenance Plan that is based on your specific needs. Our expansive cleaning and sanitation services include:

We ensure that all the cleaning products we use are 100% biodegradable, non-toxic, and Green Seal certified. In our efforts to conserve water, we also use only 9 litres of water no matter how large a facility may be. We clean for the health of your staff, guests, and our planet.

Our Cleaning Process

We follow a strict process “Cleaning for Health” methodology that utilizes a 3-step system to ensure your facility is left disinfected and ready for use. Our process includes a detailed inspection, a verification process, and finally a resolution that assures the full sanitation of your spa. Our 3-step process is as follows:

We take pride in how we clean and will strive to leave you with a result that you, your staff, and your guests are contented with.

Our Mission

As a spa, your goal is to relax and rejuvenate your guests, and we want to give you a result that relaxes and rejuvenates you and your business!

Each year over 250,000 Canadians receive life-threatening infections while in a healthcare facility. As many as 12,000 people a year die from these infections (SOURCE: CBC News, 2012). In 2014, a Canadian survey showed that 40% of infection control practitioners were not confident that healthcare facilities were suitable for infection control needs (SOURCE: Dr. Zoutman of Queens University). Furthermore, it was found that only 34% of near-patient surfaces are cleaned in accordance with standards and policies put out by health care experts. These shocking statistics prove that improperly cleaned healthcare facilities are still a reality, and a clear solution is needed.

Maintaining a clean and disinfected dental office is essential to ensuring your patient’s health and safety upon every visit. As a dentist, you rely on the cleanliness of your clinic to protect both your staff and patients from harmful germs and bacteria on a day-to-day basis. Although general janitorial usually offers sufficient cleaning for non-medical facilities, a dental office requires frequent and thorough sanitization to maintain the industry standard. To reduce the large risks associated with improper medical office cleaning, you want professional cleaners you can rely on.

Dangers of an Improperly Cleaned Dental Office

When ineffectively disinfected, dental offices are filled with potentially dangerous viruses, bacteria, and infectious diseases. Some of the highest-risk places that germs are found in dental offices are (SOURCES: News/

Although some of these objects are not directly touched by patients or staff, many germs go airborne during dental procedures and attach themselves to these hard-to-reach areas (SOURCE: Some of the most threatening germs that can be found in a contaminated dental office are these concerning viruses (SOURCE: Gillian M. McCarthy, BDS, M.Sc.):

More commonly-found germs that are present in an inefficiently sanitized dental office are harmful bacteria that can potentially survive for months on inanimate objects. These bacteria include: Enterococcus spp, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus pyogenes (SOURCE: US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, 2006).

Although the possibility of transmitting these germs to your staff and patients may be the worst aftermath of improper cleaning of your dental office, there are more negatives to be weary of. A dental office’s reputation is extremely important, and if a clinic fails to deliver a positive first impression to a patient, there is a high chance they may never come back. First impressions are monumental in retaining new clients, and one of the most apparent first impressions upon walking into a dental office is the level of cleanliness observed upon walking in the door. Nothing is more displeasing than witnessing a dirty floor, un-tidy magazines, and a foul odor as you walk into a dental office.

With so many risks and dangers associated with improper cleaning of a dental office, it is best to hire professional medical cleaners that follow strict procedures to ensure thorough cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfection of your clinic. At ICS (Innovative Cleaning Solutions), we want to maximize your dental office’s potential by providing you with the best customized service possible.

How We Clean at ICS

Our goal has always been to provide the highest cleaning standard for healthcare providers in British Columbia, while simultaneously utilizing environmentally friendly cleaning products that do not harm our planet. We understand that every dental office is different, which is why we develop a custom Cleaning Maintenance Plan that is based on the specific needs of our customers. Our expansive cleaning and sanitation services include:

We ensure that all the cleaning products we use are 100% biodegradable, non-toxic, and Green Seal certified. In our efforts to conserve water, we also use only 9 litres of water no matter how large a facility may be. We clean for the health of your staff, patients, and our planet.

Our Cleaning Process

We follow a strict process “Cleaning for Health” methodology that utilizes a 3-step system to ensure your facility is left disinfected and ready for use. Our process includes a detailed inspection, a verification process, and finally a resolution that assures the full sanitation of your dental clinic. Our 3-step process is as follows:

We take pride in our system and are confident you will be left with a result that you, your staff, and your patient’s can smile about.

Our Mission

We believe that as a dentist, you should have peace of mind in knowing your dental clinic is as sparkling-clean as your patient’s smiles.